President's Message

My Dear Students,
The education to all is our dream, a dream long cherished by an education centre combining the virtues of art, culture, science and technology. Keeping it in view, the KVNNSPS, with its glorious past of many decades, has established “Loknete Gopinathji Munde Institute of Engineering Education and Research” (LoGMIEER) during academic year 2011-12, to impart quality technical education at under graduate level to the aspirants at affordable cost. Even a great talent without will-power and hard work, is like hidden untapped precious natural resources. I hope that the LoGMIEER will bring out these natural talents of students and will dedicate in building up of values in students such as perseverance, integrity, social awareness and discipline combined with freedom through the environment of affection and careful guidance for not only shaping their personality but also help them to become law abiding citizens. Education enables a person to face new challenges, achieve progress and lead a successful life. I assure that the LoGMIEER will encourage all students to thrive for the best to make them knowledgeable in their relevant branches of engineering with high self esteem and discipline.

The management of KVNNSPS is committed to continually improve and deliver competitive & quality technical education at affordable cost to the utmost satisfaction of the students, their parents and the potential employers.

I feel happy and delighted to welcome all the students who have opted engineering as their career and my best wishes for their brilliant academic career. The Society is sincere in its efforts to provide the best required facilities to students and staff so that a congenial atmosphere for Academics is created.

Shri.Pandharinath Thore
President, KVNNSPS